TCI Asia Pacific is participating in COSP 12 as well as a side event.

Our side event, supported by DRF, the Australian Government, IDA, and CBMA, is on #WhatWENeed- presenting the takeaways from our campaign of the same name last year.

The side event will present our positioning vis viz globalizing psychiatry and its institutions. Further, the side event will make a strong call for our inclusion within Development, more visibility to our inclusion within SWAP initiatives within the UN system, and advocacy for international co-operations, particularly in financing CBID and its pilots to be fully inclusive of persons with psycho-social disabilities.

Date: 10th June 2019
Time: 3.00 – 4.15 PM
Venue: Room C

We are also speaking on a wide range of issues and side events this year, including leprosy, CBID, the inclusion of persons with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities, when women lead, social protection, etc.