As part of the campaign, Bhor Foundation organised a walk for inclusion and neurodiversity on the 19th of October 2019. The community walk with around 30 people celebrated neurodiversity and advocated for an inclusive community across gender, class and neurodiverse sterotypes, taking care of themselves through interaction, art and holistic yoga.

\”Bhor Foundation” works in the sector of advocacy for the rights of people living with mental health issues and psychosocial disabilities. At Bhor, we operate on the ideology of celebrating the equality of people with all states of minds and bodies and also oppose the marginalization of people living in an ableist and reductionist world. We are also strongly aligned to the CRPD and the rights based approach.
For pursuing its larger goal of sensitizing the public about its cause, Bhor organized it’s first edition of a community walk called Pehel: A Walk for Inclusion and Neurodiversity in the luscious greenery of Sunder Nursery, adjacent to Humayun\’s Tomb on 20th October 2019, Saturday. We also had an Art Mela and a Yoga Retreat.
About 30 people came together and we were able to celebrate, demand, create agency and dream of a better future on the day. At Bhor, we are delighted with this event and plan to make it an annual feature. Pehel\’19 was a fascinating mix of people from Bhor Foundation, The Salaam Baalak Trust, Ritinjali Second Chance School and several online and offline independent registrations from people among whom were survivors of psychiatry, disabled in other ways and caregivers.
In line with the #WhatWeNeed campaign, the Sunday Morning at the Sundar Nursery, New Delhi demonstrated just that – an inclusive community across gender, class and neurodiverse stereotypes – taking care of themselves, through interaction, art and holistic yoga – with one conclusion:
What we need – is unconditional love.